Press Room
Published Spring 2012 YPO/WPO Today. (Section: "Climbing to the Top")
In the section “Climbing to the Top”, Yatin was featured for his art on display at the Orlando County Administration Building for the ART in CHAMBERS quarterly event. The magazine recognizes top leaders in the YPO/WPO group in the Southern Region of the U.S. Yatin is a member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and is a board member for new member recruitment.
Published Spring 2012 YPO/WPO Today. (Section: "Climbing to the Top")
In the section “Climbing to the Top”, Yatin was featured for his art on display at the Orlando County Administration Building for the ART in CHAMBERS quarterly event. The magazine recognizes top leaders in the YPO/WPO group in the Southern Region of the U.S. Yatin is a member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and is a board member for new member recruitment.